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MVC W/Heavy Entrapment - Summit Bridge Road/Old Summit Bridge Road

Tuesday, October 13, 2015
On the above date upon returning from an upgraded residential fire in the 27 local crews in station heard NCC Medic 5 pre alerted for an MVC with entrapment at Summit Bridge Road and Old Summit Bridge Road. Due to 27 units being tied up at the residential fire 29-6 made the response with 5 under the direction of Asst. Chief Stuckert. Units from 4/24 also were dispatched on the road along with some from 27. Upon arrival crews found a 6 wheel dump truck that had crashed into the rear of an unloaded 18 wheel car carrier. This pinned the driver significantly causing an extended extrication time. Crews from all 3 stations worked in tandem to free the driver from the wreckage. Extrication time was about 30 minutes from the first engines arrival. Upon extrication the pt was turned over to the crew from A-24 and Medic 5 then eventually flown to CER via Trooper 4. Command was Deputy 27 (Sword)

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