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31D2 Unconscious person - Delaware River @ Artificial Island

Wednesday, June 7, 2017
On duty crews from station 29 were monitoring the station marine band radio when they heard a mayday transmitted from a sailing vessel on the Delaware River for an injured person who is was reported to be unconscious. The Station alerted New Castle County Fire board and made an immediate response to the Augustine Beach. While the rest of the water rescue box was transmitted 29M1 went underway, the conditions at Augustine Beach included high winds and rough seas. Marine units from Delaware City(15), Good Will of New Castle(18), Salem NJ(18) and DNREC were all notified to assist. The Crew of 29M1 arrived on location and found a person on a sailing vessel that had suffered a traumatic injury. The operator of the Rescue boat kept the boat in position in the rough seas as the crews transferred the patient on the Rescue boat. In accordance with county policy ALS (NCC Medic 5 and Supervisor) and BLS (DCFC C15) units along with state police aviation responded to Augustine Beach. Fire Boat 15 arrived on location as 29 Marine 1 was leaving the scene and provided support by returning in front of 29 Marine 1 to deflect the large swells. The crew of 29 Marine 1 turned to patient over to awaiting EMS assets at Augustine Beach who then transported the patient to CER.

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